Jan 23, 2010

Day 4

I was super excited when I woke up this morning and actually couldn't wait to get out the door.....something uncommon with me on a Saturday. We were heading to my cousins new house for her & her fiancees house warming. They have a beautiful old farm house and an awesome barn that I wanted to use for my picture today.....and of course it's always fun to get together with family. ;) I know there will be some days where I only end up posting one picture but today is just not one of those days.


  1. My GOD! Your pictures are amazing April!!! Breathtaking!!

  2. Gorgeous photos! The first and last ones are my favourites!

  3. Yay, the comments are working!

  4. lovely picture!!! check out my blog when you get a minute as well!! and i added you to my follow list!!! take care and keep shooting!

  5. These are great pictures. My fav is the very first one. Unique post processing. Welcome to Project 365.

  6. Love them!! The first one is my favoraite. Keep it up girl.

  7. These are so great! I'd be excited about the location too, you got so many great shots! :)


